Two heads are always better than one. Are you a blogger who works from home and has older kids who would love to learn how a business works? They’ll get a handle on blogging from a young age, and since it doesn’t appear to be going anywhere anytime soon – it may just be a great skill to teach them at a young age. Either way, running a business is a good skill to learn early and having your kid help with your blog is another fun way to bond when working from home.
Check out these ways kids can help with your blog!
1. Post Ideas
Having blogger writing block? Looking for post ideas? Never underestimate the creativity of a young mind! Ask your kids which posts on the site they like and what they’d like to see more of. You may be surprised what they come up with.
2. Basic Accounting
A lot of bloggers use a separate bank account for their incoming affiliate payments and their outgoing business-related costs. If you have an older child, this could be a very easy way to teach a budding CPA about the ins and outs of Accounts Payable/Accounts Receivable.
3. Photo Setup
If you take your own photos, you can invite your kids to help setup the shots by lying props and finding a good, solid background like a table or a pretty cloth. This might be easier for the littlest kids.
4. Handle Email
Some of the emails I get are super simple and need basic responses, like being added to my group Pinterest board. Sometimes, I just need some quick hands to delete a lot of the spam and leave me the important emails.
5. Editorial Calendar
Use a large calendar that your kid can help with your blog by updating the calendar with markers or crayons when you’ve written and posted your next post. They can make it fun with stickers, too!
6. Social Media Management
For older kiddos, they may already be very well-versed in Facebook and Pinterest. See if they’d be interested in helping you conquer one of the most important parts of your blog. Show them the post How To Use Pinterest For Your Business to get them started!
7. Keep You Focused
Your kids can help you with your blog without actually working on your blog. Ask them to call you out if they see you playing on your phone or playing on a website that’s unrelated to work. They may enjoy the light-hearted role reversal.
8. Model In Your Photos
You don’t need to use their faces in your pictures either. If your kids are little hams, they should enjoy taking pictures of their feet in the sand or little hands drawing with crayons. Depending on your blog’s theme, you could use them often!
9. Promote Your Blog
Little kids get asked where their parents work, so make sure they know you’re a blogger and the name of your site!
10. Website Maintenance
Little kids could have fun checking for broken links on the different pages of your site! Learning how URLs, websites and WordPress works at a young age is a tool they’ll be sure to be using later on in life.
If you’re kids are bored and asking to help you, hopefully these 10 ways your kids can help you with your blow will give you some ideas to incorporate your kids into your blogging biz! But they are still kids, so don’t forget to let them help only if they want to! For more serious help, consider hiring a virtual assistant.
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Great ideas Lisa.
My son isn’t working due to health issues but he keeps busy with writing and playing music. He also helps me take images, I run by ideas for a blog post and sometimes he proofreads my work. I’ve jokingly told him he should be my VA but the more I think about it the more I like the idea. 🙂
My grandsons are too young for me to get them involved – at 4 yrs and 2 yrs old they have the attention span of a flea, lol. 🙂
Great post Lisa. You know I’m passing this along. Hope you’re having a great week so far.
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