Are you ready to quit your desk job?
For some, desk jobs are soul sucking. Check out the alarmingly obvious signs it might be time to finally quit your desk job.
1) Your coworkers are driving you crazy
Being around unpleasant and negative people can be a drag on us, not just emotionally, but professionally as well. We all know we are supposed to surround ourselves with uplifting people, so if you hate your coworkers and you’re serious about your career, it may be time to find a better place to spend your days.
2) They won’t let you travel, and you want to
American companies have notoriously strict PTO policies, so if you are stuck at your desk job in a position that doesn’t require travel, you may not have enough time to take the kind of trips you want. When I was at my desk job, I used most of my PTO days for awesome things like doctors appointments, deep cleaning, and other errands (yay!). If I was lucky, I’d try and slip in a domestic trip for a couple days every year (squeezed in around a hectic holiday weekend so I could be gone for longer, which would mean that the tickets expensive and the airports slammed.) If this sounds like you, it may be time to look for a Location Independent Job.
3) You want the option to stay at home with your kids
I know some really lucky folks who have their parents look after their kids when they work. But I also know some people who don’t have that option, so they have to pay for daycare. Depending on how much they (and their spouse, if they aren’t a single-parent household) make at their job, this can be a pretty significant hit on their income. This is one of the reasons people are leaving their desk jobs for jobs they can do from anywhere, especially from home.
4) You can’t stand what you do
Popular to contrary belief, what you do for work matters. If you know of an opportunity for a career that is more your speed and something you are more passionate about, and you’ve research it, it may be time to quit your desk job.
5) You want to work from anywhere
Did you know that there’s a boom in companies hiring remote workers (that don’t need to be tethered to a home office, either?) It’s true, there are tons of companies that let you work from anywhere.
6) You’ve researched medical insurance
You’re a smart cookie, so you wouldn’t just quit without knowing what to do about health insurance when you quit your job.
7) You hate it
If your job sucks, you should quit it. I’ll always be an advocate that you should quit a job you hate. Make sure you’re ready to quit, research it and get out, and find something better.
8) The commute is killing you
It sucks, I know. Even though it’s possible to calm yourself down and learn how to survive your work commute, it’s still one of my least favorite parts of desk jobs.
Could it be your turn to quit your desk job and start working from anywhere? Maybe a work from home or remote job is right for you. I’ve included a good list to check off to see if you’re ready in my eBook How To Escape The Cubicle, and you are welcome to download it for free in exchange for singing up for our super awesome email list here:
I hope it helps! Anyone thinking they might be ready to quit your desk job? Let us know in the comments below.
Ready to get serious about your work from anywhere job search? I whole-heartedly recommend Flexjobs, the site where I found my first freelance writing gig. There are zero scams on their site and they have their own 100% remote team, too!
Hi, I came across your website from pinterest. Interesting post, I quit my government job, for some of the reasons you identified above. I think the biggest thing is taking time to reflect..My advice to readers is to always take time to reflect and check if you are where you wanted to be. An good book that helped me was ‘The monk who sold his ferrari’.
Hi Tracy! I’m so glad you found this. I think that’s solid advice, thank you for sharing. I’ve heard of that book but have yet to read it. It sounds like it was a life-changer for you!
Quitting my desk job and concentrating on my online ventures is the best thing I ever did. Best decision ever!
Brian Fleming recently posted…Make Him A Monogamy Junkie Bonus
Congrats Brian!